Journeys teach, heal, open your Spiritual Channels & More
Energy Healing Tools, Orgone Towers and Votives
Powerful testimonies of those who have received healing
Reach out and see what best serves your upliftment
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Source guided me to guide you — there is nothing that can stop your upliftment, when you choose it. Receive Past Life Healing, Trauma Release, Soul Retrieval, Chakra Balancing, Energy Body Healing, Messages from Guides & Allies,
Messages from Source, and the Spiritual Support you seek in Loving Presence and Sanctity.
Powerful Spiritual Tools
Powerful Orgone energy flows all around you, through you, and in between every aspect of existence. Harness it to supercharge your meditation, spiritual progress, manifestation ability and protection
Channeled Source Writing
Whether you enjoy the fictional romp through our divine, untold, ancient history and into the yuga cycle of the present Dark Age or the non-fictional Oracle that can answer all your questions, you’ve found the right channel.
The content of this site and any services or products offered are for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. The cases and testimonies presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. No express or implied guarantee of results are made. Participating in any product or Spiritual Support Session may come with a certain level of risk and each human responds to these various activities differently, therefore results cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner, or have been diagnosed with any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing, modifying, or taking part in any program, including meditation and spiritual work. Rogue Soul Services and Lindsey Scharmyn expressly disclaim any liability of any kind or nature relating to any person’s use of the content, services, or products available in this site and related booking sites.
Do not listen to any meditation recording while driving or operating equipment/machinery.