Rogue Ways livestreams, podcasts, and shows expand horizons, open hearts and minds, connect to the highest truth of life, remind us all of the importance of self work and responsibility, and empower our highest paths for those who come seeking…

Find EVERYTHING I do on my linktree!

I’m also on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok

In addition to listening on any podcast app or watching live every Sunday at 5pm eastern and Monday through Thursday at 9pm eastern on Rokfin, find Rogue Ways on Rumble, BitChute, YouTube, Apple’s iTunes, and Spotify.

On Substack, I share my channeled writings and more musings. If you enjoy the channeled messages of The Key and All Endings, you’ll love the frequent channelings that come through for these exclusive, supporter-only messages from the Spiritual Ancestors.

The best interview to understand who I am and what I do was created for the movie What Every Soul Knows and can be watched here or below

Become a supporter on Rokfin or Apple and get extra episodes, including monthly Tarot and Oracle readings and the exclusive Middle Path show on Thursdays, where we dive into the psycho-spiritual reality of the divinity within us without losing ourselves to the pathologically love and light, sappy garbage that permeates the larger vapidity of the “new age”

Support by joining the community on Locals and get access to channeled messages, private interactions, and a place where we are NEVER censored by big tech and can SEE and SAY anything anyone wants!

If you’re an audio only type of person and want the Middle Path and tarot readings, subscribe to exclusive audio content on Apple Podcasts.

You can also donate at or grab some Rogue Gear at the TeePublic store, where there are regularly new designs — many thanks to you!

You can also join our live chat on Telegram

The best short, written interview is at Mystic Mag and can be read here.

Electro Magnetism, Cataclysm, and Christ Consciousness Rogue Ways

The most fundamental aspect of physical reality and we understand it hardly at all! Let's play with liminal space between science and magic LIVE on Rogue WaysROGUE ON GNOSTIC: A SESSION: SITE: SUBSTACK: ROGUE MUSIC: https://unknownzenkeeper.bandcamp.comLINKTREE: EXCLUSIVE PODCASTS: CASH: CRYPTO VIA COINBASE: ApotropaicSpirit.cb.idDONATE BITCOIN: bc1q7xq3323hlcq4f4k4w66evc9jpln4hce4xyj2rwLEGAL SHIELD: and artistic genius of Rogue Ways: a supporter of this podcast:–5946955/support.
  1. Electro Magnetism, Cataclysm, and Christ Consciousness
  2. Winning Report 2.19.25
  3. Drama Addiction
  4. Chlorine Dioxide
  5. Winning Report 2.12.25

I’m Lindsey Scharmyn, the creator and host of Rogue Ways. I serve others through sharing analog, electric, concentric wisdom via exploration of Conspiracy, Culture, Consciousness, Spirituality, Magic, Questions, Exploration, Freedom, Liberty, & Community. I think critically and skeptically about literally everything, following the manifold paths toward deeper wisdom and understanding in this crazy journey of life. I’m glad I’m here and I’m me, I’m glad you’re here and you’re you. We got this!