Those who have chosen Source Guided Healing with me through Sessions or Journeys share these words:

To say Lindsey is a phenomenal channel, open to phenomenal Energies bearing profound and very personal insights is an understatement. I’ve never experienced anything like her abilities, her openness to bring through the very thing a person needs spiritually, and whatever/whomever is waiting to communicate with you. The emotion I felt during my entire channeling was my reaction to being aligned with Beings on the other side whom knew me well, the love of which is so profound my body and mind could barely hold it. I don’t believe I would have had the intense emotional response I had if it had been anything less than real. Spontaneously REAL. — Kathy McCann

I am not the same person I was when I started this journey. Lindsey helped me find my karmic gifts and my life’s mission for this current life. My life has drastically changed for the better after working with Lindsey during this journey. I learned a mix of spiritual and practical knowledge and tools to implement in my life to grow my connection to God in order to live in my mission for this life, and also healing and transcendental experiences that I am still processing and working through. I am so different now today than I was when I started this work with Lindsey, it’s actually pretty crazy to think about this only happened over the course of less than a year. A big thank you to Lindsey for the work that she does. It is priceless. –Ashley B.

I went into this reading completely open. I had decided not to ask any specific questions or focus on any specific area. I just wanted to be open to whatever came through that I needed to hear. It was extremely powerful! Information came through that validated subtle messages I had already been receiving. It was a reminder to really listen to and follow these subtle messages when I receive them. So much of the reading made me feel strong and secure in who I am. Not all of the information resonated with me immediately, but after allowing a few days to process and integrate more, and after going back and listening to the recording, I do feel the entire reading resonates. I feel like some deep wounds were healed, channels were cleared, and I was given the reassurance I needed to keep moving forward. Lindsey is very gifted, and I look forward to having another reading with her in the future. –Emily

Lindsey, you’re a talented reader and psychic.  You are using your gifts with high intention to be of service.  Your reading was marvelous and right on.  Thank you.  God bless. –Lorisa

Lindsey’s past life tarot card reading was profound. Her insights were not only accurate but also deeply nuanced, shedding light on aspects of my current life. The reading revealed layers of meaning that resonated profoundly with my personal journey, offering clarity and direction for my path ahead. Lindsey is a beautiful, gifted soul and I highly recommend this tarot card reading to anyone seeking deeper understanding and guidance in their life. The experience was highly validating and empowering and I’ll undoubtedly be back for more. — Marina

What she told me about my previous life was shocking and it gave me a background to understand my present life better. It also connected the dots for me to see my present life as a continuation from what went on in previous lives, so as not to view my present life as a self-contained islotated event. The things she told me, gave me clear direction on what to work on, what to watch out for and how I can fulfil my life contract. What more could you ask for? I’ve been involved in learning about the spiritual world for more than 40 years, so I know a pro when I see one. Lindsey is the messenger/channeler and the information she provides about previous lives and your current one, you can use to work on yourself in this life. –C. S.

Lindsey is an excellent spiritual healer and I will continue to go back for guidance and healing. –John

It’s been a spiritual roller coast ride since January 1st, 2024. This path was not in my thoughts or plans. I’ve gone through an amazing awakening since, and GOD/Source has put me through the ringer. GOD told me to connect with Lindsey to help me ascend, after watching her on YouTube . During my first session with Lindsey, GOD guided her to what I was supposed to hear. She was kind, compassionate, and a true spiritual channel. I was vibrating with source energy for quite some time after, and feel emotionally lighter 24 hour after our 1st Zoom meeting. I’ve been sleeping 3-4 hours a night since the 1st of the year, and got my first full night 8+ hours! She is a true Lightworker, spreading her love for all mankind with her own special kind of star dust. –Steve B.

My session with Lindsey was very insightful. Lindsey and the celestial guides had a specific message for me that kept coming back throughout the reading. It was surprising and yet it made a lot of sense. I also appreciated the light that was shed on an old wound and its lasting effects on my life. While I was aware of the unhealed wound I didn’t make the correlation to its influence on my professional life. Thanks for the guidance and the beautiful connection to the divine! –Tania

My session with Lindsey was a special one where we connected with my mom who had recently passed. It was one of the most powerful connections I have ever experienced. The release that took place was massive and incredibly uplifting. I am so grateful that Lindsey was able to share in this experience with me. She always makes you feel comfortable enough to open up, release, and rejoice. So much healing took place, which will be ongoing, as it should be. I’m blessed to have found Lindsey to help guide me through it all. So much love!!!! –Lori

I had an Amazing BLESSING Session today with Lindsey Scharmyn and l feel literally like a different person, Seriously. Several things were done in this session, and I felt every one of them AS SHE WAS DOING THEM!!!! It felt A-M-A-ZING — NEVER EVER have I literally felt the practitioner working in my body and energy fields; she is 150% what she says that she is!!!….VERY ADVANCED abilities to heal and work with energy, ABSOLUTELY. ️I feel freer, loving, lighter, happier, CLEAR, CALM and PEACEFUL – I have just been laying on my bed enjoying the new and much improved (I LOVE how I feel!) ME. All of my pain has stopped since the Session, did I mention this?? THANK YOU  THANK YOU   THANK YOU  THANK YOU  THANK YOU THANK YOU — Julee B. St. Louis, Missouri USA 

Before my session I was looking to get more spiritually grounded and reinforced due to exploring God and religion more, as well as, having some slightly concerning psychedelic experiences. I was able to get that spiritual reinforcement that I was seeking and also a few blessings in my session! Lindsey was amazing! She explained the process very well and goes over what you experienced after the session too, which helps to reinforce and evaluate what happened. I received many blessings … Not only was my healing spiritual and emotional, but it was also physical too. I was in a much darker place the morning before my session and felt immediately uplifted and refreshed spiritually, emotionally, and physically after my session. So much so, that I am looking into working with Lindsey for other sessions and readings to delve deeper into my past and learn what I need to know to progress. She’s truly a special person with good energy that is connected to God (or the creator). –Ashley B.

I knew I needed to change my energy in order to change my life. One year of working with Lindsey and she has helped me do just that! I am not the same person as I was a year ago and it’s all so beautiful! My Spiritual Growth became stronger with each session, which in turn contributed to better mental health and clarity. The pain from past traumas, internal and external, has begun to heal. I am still, to this day, mind blown at how  Lindsey’s presence heals my soul.  Do this for yourselves, you absolutely deserve it! — Molly

I am working with Lindsey through a 6-month Past Life Trauma and Healing Journey, and my life has completely been transformed. The things that my angels, guides, ancestors and the Universe have revealed to me have come at a rate of gentle awareness. Lindsey’s guidance and coaching through all of this has been so important. The emotions have been up and down and even though this work has been hard, it is life changing. So many things are connected to this life and these current behaviors and emotions. I am a different person, and can’t wait to see what is next in this journey. — xoxo Denise

I’ve received readings with Lindsey at least 4 separate times. If you go in with the mindset of being true to yourself, its virtually impossible to receive inaccurate information or guidance. The readings she provides have allowed me to heal many aspects of my life, rethink plans and improve relationships. The accuracy is something that resonates so true with my heart its difficult to describe. –Logan

Start to finish the reading was brilliant. I felt “stuck” going into this and was seeking clarity on some things. Low and behold the first card pulled was the “Hanged man” signifying a period of stuckness and was the central theme of the entire series. From then on it just got better with each card revealed I felt that they were so relevant and Lindsey explained things in such an eloquent and clear way. I left the reading feeling lighter and like a I had a path forward to understand myself and my path better. I woke up the next day feeling much more at ease. I would highly recommend Lindsey’s services to anyone and will be getting the Past Life tarot reading next! –Kylie

I felt at ease immediately. What Lindsey was saying resonated with me and I was very excited to learn some techniques. I practiced those techniques several times throughout the day. I had the best sleep I’ve had in a very long time, awakening without my usual, overwhelming anxiety. I have a plethora of physical problems as well, and I didn’t expect a full recovery in a one hour session, but I see improvement in my hand contractures already. I did wake with almost no knee pain, and I feel energized and ready to tackle my day. Overall, the difference as to how I felt yesterday as opposed to today is amazing. I will be scheduling more sessions, and I have hope for recovery from an autoimmune disorder from which I’ve suffered for over a decade. I have hope to defeat this anxiety which has plagued me for 62 years. I have hope that I WILL be a musician again, upon regaining use of my left hand. Lindsey’s knowledge is incredible and I have full faith that I will finally heal. Allopathic medicine has failed me at every turn. I would definitely recommend her services. There is much that we don’t see or sense, but Lindsey is blessed to receive communication from the unseen. We would all do ourselves a favor by opening our minds to the fact that the spiritual world can heal us. Doctors can only apply band-aids. Thank you, Lindsey! –Stephanie Green

I came to Lindsey with many moving pieces to my life. She offered an extremely grounding and inspiring presence as we chatted before the cards were pulled, helping me release any resistance necessary for a naturally flowing session. Through intuition, love, wisdom and skill, Lindsey helped me clarify some deep internal conflicts I’d been grappling with. She happily affirmed my own sense of awareness and strength, that at times hides in my blind spot. I have a much clearer sense of how to move forward in these big 3rd dimensional decisions that are coming up in my life. I cannot recommend Lindsey’s services enough!! –Atlas Zr40

This was the BEST Tarot reading I have ever had by far!! With Lindsey’s guidance and thorough analysis (she even types up an in-depth summary after the reading along with a picture of the card layout) I now have a clear path to move forward with a big change I am needing to make. Lindsey showed me what pitfalls to be aware of along with motivational tips to keep on the path to my full potential. I have had tarot readings before and they have been good but Lindsey created a Tarot reading that was so powerfully accurate and insightful that it has already created profound shifts in me and my life. Thank you Lindsey for giving me the clarity on how to create the life my soul yearns for and to shine brightly for the world! –Cathleen Mclellan

Before I started working with Lindsey, I was struggling to move. My mind would go in circles without action. She is gifted. However, she is also skilled and knowledgeable about the spirit. She is just the kind of guide I have been searching for. From here, it is up to me to continue my healing, but she deserves all of my gratitude for helping me gain confidence and feel connected to my spirit with more knowing. –Joel Turrentine

Thank you Lindsey for the memorable session. Before any spiritual reading session, I am usually nervous but upon meeting Lindsey for the first time via Zoom, I felt embraced and welcomed through her warm energy. At the beginning, I shared with her my intentions for the reading which led us to make a little change in the session. Lindsey gladly adjusted without hesitation or making me feel as an inconvenience. I really appreciated how quickly she was able to adjust to a first time client and to go with our flow! During the reading, Lindsey offers insightful feedback and helpful reminders of our spiritual journey. I appreciated how she usually would ask me for my thoughts after she explained each card. That allows me to speak and give her my personal feedback. The session did not feel rushed, as she allows me to speak and express my perspectives with her messages. I felt like she held a safe and productive space. I truly appreciated the follow-up email with the notes and photo after our session. Although I was able to record the session, having her go over it again in words with some additional notes via email was so nice to integrate and processed through reading. That was a nice added touch to her service that I find truly helpful. Follow-ups are like a nice gentle closing. I can’t wait to try out Lindsey’s other sessions in the future! — Ann

I feel more aligned and peaceful after our [sound healing] session. The places where I have been holding and controlling in my body and in my life feel more relaxed and I am open to the flow. I feel great. Thanks Lindsey. Your insights were also spot on and I thank you for your confirmation on things that I have been thinking about and sensing and feeling recently but also life long. –Rebecca Ann

I went into my past life reading with no expectations whatsoever. It was a birthday indulgence and I was seeking an entertaining read, all the while knowing that Lindsey always provides an accurate and thorough examination. The outcome? I can honestly say if you are one of the people who lament aspects of your life decrying “what have I done to deserve this karma?”, this is definitely for you. I was amazed by the detailed breakdown of one of my past lives – the love, regrets, pleasures and pains endured – also revealing how those experiences affect me today, including my current family. It felt like reading a novel from a different era in which I was the protagonist, but the details are real and resonate with current life memories and experiences. I leave with the gift of knowing how to better manage relationships with people in my life today. I’m happy with the outcome and tempted to do it again to discover another past life. I highly recommend the experience –Alex

Lindsey provided some validation about where I am now and where I am headed on the healing journey. She creates a space for honesty and validation. Lindsey’s humor and matter of fact way of speaking creates a free space to be authentic. I find so much value in our time together. –Eliza

Lindsey and I were able to expeditiously jump right “in” to my Spiritual Guidance session during which my Higher Self and Guides were eager to be given an opportunity to offer their guidance to me. Lindsey unhesitatingly described in great detail what she was able to see and hear my Guides offer me. During my session I was shown some very upsetting experiences of my past life that, while disturbing and difficult to hear, gave me great relief in their exposure. I was given a chance to forgive and be forgiven. I was shown the forms that my Guides take and the roles they play on my behalf and felt so much love and healing from them, that I am still integrating. The detail in which Lindsey brought it all to me was astounding and there was more than one occasion in which I was brought to a certain thought only to have her repeat it out loud moments later. I was given a chance to ask some questions near the end which my Guides were all gracious enough to address clearly for me. I explicitly felt some clearing happening in several of my chakras and have experienced a great deal of relief from some tailbone pain that I had been having. I felt very safe in the space with Lindsey and it was very apparent to me that she was not messing around and knew her stuff. Overall, to say that this was a helpful experience would be an understatement. It was life-altering and profound and I am beyond grateful. And all in just one hour! I would definitely recommend reaching out to Lindsey if you have any inkling that it might be beneficial for you, you won’t regret it. Thank you Lindsey, you are a gem. –GreenMtnGirl

[C]hanneling incredible Energies/Beings, or just keeping the session a personally insightful conversation, or doing healing work on the body – Lindsey is the most flexible and profound personal source I’ve ever had the pleasure of working/communicating with in 36 years. I haven’t had many – but the ones I’ve had have been well known and highly respected. Like Lindsey, I’m a rogue, tending to stay on my own path, stick with my own guidance. To share with her is HUGE! The woman is humble and congratulatory. She is kind and clear – while being utterly authentic in both her own humanness, and open to the incredible Energies she brings through. I can attest to their AND her effectiveness to bring about welcome change! –Kathy McCann

Enter Lindsey, cape & all, who provided a Life Path Reading for my wife & I to better know the spiritual dynamics that weren’t obvious to us previously. Lindsey definitely accessed Source during the reading, because the cards drawn highlighted our […] situation to a T. Most importantly, we gained a new perspective in how we might move forward […] the information we received resonated with us, because the cards drawn uncannily matched our […]situation.

Lindsey lends sound advice, an empathic ear & a genuine concern for those who reach out to her; she excels at her craft. We encourage anyone who’s reached a difficult impasse in their life to give Lindsey a whirl; if for no other reason than to see their situation through a different lens. Sometimes that’s all it takes. My wife & I will definitely look to Lindsey in the future regarding other issues in our life. — Jenny & Bryan

New challenges call for new tools. The time we’re living in has brought me new challenges and I was forced to admit, to myself, that I didn’t have the tools for them. Self-reliance, prayer, detachment, coercion, it wasn’t working. I was only getting more anxious, shrill and depressed about things I had no control over, then discouraged from accumulating health issues and distance from my family. I opened my mind to the possibility that what I’d learned from a lifetime of controlled messages wasn’t helping me. I’d listened to Lindsey’s show and already trusted her as a human being so I decided to step out of my comfort zone, take a leap of faith, and open my mind to something new to me — “spiritual healing”. I haven’t given up any of the values that guide my life, so far they’ve only been enhanced and strengthened. Although I don’t fully know or understand them, I’m grateful for Lindsey’s guidance and for whatever forces might be at work, including within myself, to help me be a more complete and useful person in this life. — Roadtrip⚡️

Before my session with Lindsey, I was feeling pretty overloaded and overwhelmed. I was even feeling a bit defeated from “covid” symptoms arising, when I had some really important events coming up and especially because I see though the whole covid charade! The first card Lindsey pulled revealed that my central situation is one in which I’m shifting a life-pattern and mental construct of self defeat. She affirmed that I’m beginning to see and live and experience, more and more, how I’m not in fact defeated and what I thought was defeat may be a gift. The rest of the reading was super illuminating and insightful and culminated in the “final outcome” being that I will reconnect with and unleash even deeper and higher levels of my own POWER. Miraculously, several hours after my reading, all “covid” symptoms were outright GONE and I went on to have a super empowering, expansive, groundbreaking and even magical next few days. So her reading proved to be true and I was able to shift out of self defeat and into my power! Not to mention Lindsey was such a supportive, encouraging and loving presence throughout the reading. I felt so safe, at ease and held in her energy. I highly recommend Lindsey’s services! — Sarah Vest

A beautiful journey it has been… I had been feeling stuck in my spirituality journey and, as much as I was growing on my own, I needed guidance to get to that next level. During the session, I was healed. My guides had always been listening to my fears, self doubt, questions, hopes, random thoughts and truly knew my heart, I felt heard and loved. I released a heaviness that was getting in the way of my power to connect with my divine self and true source. Since the first session, I have been meditating more intentionally, nurturing and mending my relationships, noticing all the beautiful synchronicities of life, connecting with my guides and allies (literally all the time), making decisions that have moved my life forward, and just having a lot more fun. To see how much has changed within a couple of months, I can not wait for what’s ahead. Thank you Lindsey! You are truly true good and beautiful. — Averi

In the days leading up to my session, I was my usual. I had been weighed down by my past and my family’s past, knowing that I didn’t have all the answers, but I could tell they were right there on the tips of my fingers. Lindsey was able to open things up for my by going inward and the tears just came for an hour. I had no control over it and I could feel the release. It’s truly beautiful. I was just at peace after my session. Relaxed and just there. I was just letting myself be. I truly felt like Lindsey was my friend and this was our first meeting. She is extraordinary and so loving. I’m looking forward to next time. — Molly Ann

I have a spiritual calling for this lifetime, but I have continuously felt as if I’m trudging through this life carrying a shield of protection that translates into fear more often than not. I heard Lindsey on a podcast, and felt instantly that I should be working with her (maybe it was part of my divine plan to cross paths with her at this time). I felt a beautiful calm and was in perfect alignment during our session–I have been more and more intuitive lately, and some of the signs I have asked for came up during our session….energetic shifts seemed to happen instantly–I still feel a “protective shield” but it feels light and I feel calm and safe to move forward. I woke up the the next day after our session with a specific thought in mind that brought me important guidance–that I had no fear in following–even several days later, I feel at peace. This is a Saturday afternoon as I type this, and I have accomplished more on my “to do list” than I have in years–I feel in tune and more energized than I have in a long time…. Thank you, Lindsey, for following your calling and doing your part on our journey so well–I’m beyond grateful and ready to do my work as well. — Amy

It was AWESOME!!! Lindsey actually talked to my spirits and told me things that no one knew not even my parents. It gave me relief and a look into my future that made me very happy. I had a few questions to ask and Lindsey was able to get answers from my spirits that only they could have known. Lindsey was also able to see things in my present without me even having to tell her. I am absolutely thrilled with my session and, when it was over, I booked another two and started preparing more questions. I thank you Lindsey for making me feel so much better about my life. — Jenna

My session made me realize that I was denying what my soul has been looking for this entire incarnation. I had found a soul from a past life once again that was a big part of me. There was such trauma and grieving for his loss from that past lifetime that once I turned my back on that person in this lifetime, my entire body became unbalanced. Now I understand to I need to rekindle with this soul and not listen to what others think. I have been at war with myself by not paying attention to my feelings — Irene

Mind blown. Lindsey is the real deal. Since the ceremony, not only have I felt a shift in my energy, my husband has noticed as well. The practices Lindsey provided to me are great and having actual allies to call on has been pretty awesome. Finally, I feel like if I have a question or am in need of the support of a blessing, Lindsey is there: ready, willing and very able to do what she can. –Judy Murphy

I felt a dramatic shift in my attitude and perspective. I felt as though I got to talk to the little girl inside me that has been hiding away for so long and became more understanding as to why she has been so scared. I found out so much about my past and even confronted the trauma I buried in this lifetime. Because of this healing ceremony, I know so much more about myself and have more sympathy for what I have experienced. I am always very hard on myself for how I behave and not being exactly how and where I want to be, and this ceremony reminded me that I am always where I need to be…. This healing ceremony was the jump start to a new way of being. I see myself being extremely more patient and have been putting major emphasis on forgiveness. I also feel much more connected to my spirit guides than ever before. The synchronicities of triple angel numbers and animal omens appear almost every day now. I have I know that everyone’s experience will be different, but if you want to attend to your shadows, meet our army of allies that are always besides you, and bathe in source light like you’ve never before, then booking a healing session with Lindsey is the best decision you can make for your soul and every soul in the universe. — Jasmine Robinson

I had various dilemmas and felt I needed help from the spiritual plane. I needed insight into these issues and some confirmation that I was on the right path.  Lindsey has exceptional psychic skills. She tapped into areas that helped lift my mood greatly. She knew about things that simply can’t be known merely by looking on the physical plane. She obviously takes her work very seriously and with a lot of love and care.  I have extra confidence. I think my own psychic abilities opened up, too. I had some positive outcomes to difficult situations and I’m sure this was the result of things I did on the spiritual plane rather than the physical plane.  I have confidence that I didn’t have and the sense that my guides are really looking out for me. — Dragon

Prior to the session, I was both curious and excited about the “Tarot Card Reading” as I had never experienced this before. Lindsey explained the process clearly, each step of the way. She provided detailed information to clarify what each card might be showing. The process was very interesting and well organized. At the end, I shared my interpretations and she took a great deal of time to explain further and also to provide tips and a few next steps. It was a very supportive, healing and empowering session. The clear, kind and thorough direction is very helpful & I appreciate Lindsey’s gentle approach very much!! Thank you Lindsey!! –Elia

I loved working with you … how powerful that session was, on so many levels. Wow! [some trauma recall] wasn’t as intense as I have experienced in the past and I could move through it much easier and faster … those releases and healings have shifted my energy and I feel so different in a profound way. I feel calmer and have let go of some of my self judgements of myself … I can’t thank you enough for all you do. You are an amazing healer, human being and starseed and it was such a blessing when spirit brought you into my life. I am always amazed how Spirit works — Lesley

I was intrigued when I first became aware of Lindsey as a skillful Shaman and I am so thankful that I listened the promptings of my heart — I’ve always wanted to have a Wise One “see” my Higher Self and my Allies and Guides and I have sought many psychics and mediums in the past but during this session with Lindsey I finally succeeded. This was the first time that anyone had actually connected with the entirety of my Soul, and with my Guides, and thoroughly validated my Inner Knowing. After the Ceremony I told my husband that I just had had the most incredible experience of my life. I just cried from all the JOY of being “seen” and acknowledged and affirmed! It’s as if I released the illusory veil of duality and knew once again, deeply, that only Love is Real. Thank you, Lindsey-from the bottom of my heart. — Rev Reja Joy Green

I had found out from our vet that my dog, Bruce, potentially has Thyroid Disease. I asked Lindsey if she could do a Sound Healing Session for him. While receiving sound healing, Bruce was sound asleep. After the session, Lindsey sent me a beautiful recap full of messages from Bruce in regards to the core reasons why he has stopped producing thyroid. It was clear that the words were coming directly from my beloved Bruce, as she explained characteristics and behaviors of his that only I knew. Due to Bruce’s low thyroid levels, he was panting more than normal, specifically before bed. The night of his session, his panting had slowed down noticeably. This session gave us the holistic blueprint we needed to move forward with Bruce’s healing journey. I can’t thank Lindsey enough. — Dakota

I have opened up quite a bit during and after the ceremony and I have also had several lucid dreams just last night. I feel very comforted – I feel fantastic and revitalized due to these realizations, it’s like a new lease on life! I cannot thank you enough for the session that you shared with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I came to Lindsey for guidance on some physical ailments I had been experiencing. I was expecting to just get some tips on diet changes but left with so much more. Not only did I receive plenty of new knowledge on different foods and supplements to incorporate into my diet, but we also dove into the spiritual and emotional aspects of these physical ailments. Everything resonated so much. Now I have food, meditations, affirmations and so much more to aid in my healing. Thanks to Lindsey, I feel so much more confident and excited to continue this path of healing so that I can thrive and be my brightest self. –Courtney