Cast into an amnesiac dream of ascending orders of unfoldment –

Looking out onto a world made thick with intricacies of all that is different from and separate from


Developing into that fibonacci spiral bloom exactly because you see all that you

are not.


Blockades that stopped you dead and threw you down into recesses too far to climb back out of

Sometimes forced you to feel


Like the point of all of this was to shatter from the beginning.

How could creation fail so miserably to be



Those shattered mirror pieces of you

Mimic those divisions you saw when you became you

And they served you, then –

But they don’t serve you now.


These barriers were meant to be broken.

You were meant to find yourself climbing out of that pit

Putting those pieces  back together

Mending into something whole, something whose seams can’t even be




Are your budding, your bloom, and your fallen petals.


Are your undifferentiated, your shattered, and your reconstructed self.


are whole, you are balance, you are all.

You are.

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