And Humanity's Future -- finding hope from the most unlikely of Allies through some of humanity's best qualities: logic, freedom, love, and empowered choice
There will always be pain. There will always be joy. There will always be you. And none of these aspects of Source experience will last forever. They will come in and out of existence and experience, just as the light comes and goes from the surface and the depths of the water.
“Inside of you there are two wolves. Just kidding, inside of you there are infinite beings. Rather, infinite versions of yourself exist within. Two would be far too limiting for a being of your magnitude and capability."
Daily Mitochondrial Health -- The light of the sun is our programming partner. It has been with us for our entire existence as a species and we either live by it or die, slowly and with debilitating pain, by the lack of it. It is for everyone. It is free.
You are a lightworker. You were born with these abilities and gifts. Use your mind to direct them in your personal timeline wherever they may be needed.
We climb higher, with them or despite them -- We rise to our peak when we incorporate and integrate all the lessons of our specific karma and trauma, especially those connected with our mothers.
Especially in the Face of Difficulty -- Every time I saw the light flow through me and the darkness wash away I said, internally, in my true voice, “Thank you for healing me, I am healed.”
Inasmuch as You are You Now -- "Perhaps then, you can release your hold on the one, linear truth and open to understand the multi-dimensionality, which is and has always been a matter of perspective"
Pitfalls and Success Tips for the improvement of the immune system, the removal of toxins and infectious agents, the shrinking of cancerous indicators, the reduction of “bad fat” storage, and perhaps most interestingly and best of all: life extension.
When you are ready for the next level of healing from any chronic illness or pain, here's where to head next! You can recover from ANYTHING and return to VIBRANCY!