Inasmuch as You are You Now

At this point, I’ve recalled at least eight past lives. I try to keep track but, honestly, I don’t know the point any more. They come when I can understand them, when I am finally able to release the wound they carry, when I can truly integrate the lesson, or when I can finally understand a truth that has long been awaiting my understanding. There is no reason to hold on to them, beyond that.

Some I will never forget because of how profoundly they changed my understanding and experience in this life. Some I can hardly remember because of how simply and easily it all fit together, like the most finely-crafted clockwork moving my life and Soul progression seamlessly forward.

The other day, however, during some massive healing moving through my four bodies, I experienced my first concurrent life. This is a life I am not experiencing as living, and yet in every way it felt the same as past lives feel, to me: no different from the life I’m currently living.

These windows of stepping fully into another life present exactly as the life I live, like there were no break in continuity of the entirety of memory since birth and like there were no expectation of experiencing anything but that life and perspective for the rest of time.

Confused about how I can be living two lives at once or, if not that, then wondering what actually happened and why it happened, I decided to ask the Spiritual Ancestors for their help. Here’s what they say. I hope you receive whatever you may need from this.

“On past lives, there are many aspects and interpretations that are possible, happening, true, and yet varied. Your perspective generally allows one, linear truth at a time — even though you have, each and every one of you, experienced that truth will change over time and yet still the prior understanding remains true, albeit expanded and enhanced, deepened and made more rich — still you often hold to the idea that one, linear truth is what is TRUE.

Perhaps then, you can release your hold on the one, linear truth and open to understand the multi-dimensionality, which is and has always been a matter of perspective…”

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