Your ability to choose magnified by your Will creates change that you can speak into being
Control is never necessary. It is within you to release. This is indeed your superpower.
You Already Possess Everything -- Nothing is ever truly lost, no matter how many millennia the darkness attempts to enslave humanity, because the codes of our own ascension and freedom exist within us
"Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven through the Heart, in the middle, between Heaven and Earth, as your Soul sits, throned in the essence of what is truest, what is best, what is most beautiful: Love."

The Sick are Calling to the Weak -- You are not a hive mind. You are not subservient to a central intelligence or monarch. You are unique and independent for a reason.
There will always be pain. There will always be joy. There will always be you. And none of these aspects of Source experience will last forever. They will come in and out of existence and experience, just as the light comes and goes from the surface and the depths of the water.
“Inside of you there are two wolves. Just kidding, inside of you there are infinite beings. Rather, infinite versions of yourself exist within. Two would be far too limiting for a being of your magnitude and capability."
The Ultimate Responsibility -- "The most difficult aspect may be the fact that you truly choose everything you experience. This seems to be repugnant, to you. Especially in deep pain, in resentment, in furious anger, in ultimate discomfort, you resist this fact."
Rest and Release -- “When it is too much, put it down. There is nothing that must be done, there is no rush that leads to positivity and flow, there is no reason to remain in overwhelm. Put it down. Walk away. Rest and release."
You are a lightworker. You were born with these abilities and gifts. Use your mind to direct them in your personal timeline wherever they may be needed.