A few nights ago, I went traveling with the Spiritual Ancestors, as I have done on more occasions than I can count and, they assure me, far more than I can consciously recall.

On this specific night, the teaching I received was about the Inversion of Unity Consciousness. I understood it perfectly and I believe we all have seen those who claim a high vibration and a pure purpose, but instead twist and warp the truth of the Middle Path between self, boundaries, and independence and the group, connection, and interdependence.

I wanted to share the message and energy of that teaching with you, and the Spiritual Ancestors did, too. Lucky us! Enjoy.

““Unity Consciousness is like a gateway or portal to the highest aspects of your Self. It is the remembering of your true Origin in Source. The conscious experience of reconnecting with this Oneness is a supreme awakening and it can happen multiple times throughout your life and it will happen multiple times throughout your life, if you only seek it, allow it, and sit in presence…”

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