Especially in the Face of Difficulty

Yesterday morning I woke up to a message from a powerful spiritual healer I’m lucky to know saying, “I love you, I’m sending you some healing.” Gratitude flooded my heart because, and of course she must have known, I was in excruciating pain.

I’m no stranger to pain, as you will know if you know me at all. My life seems like a series of specific tortures on the mental, emotional, and physical planes, often all at once. I have worked nonstop for some forty years just to get to a point where I’m not in chronic, debilitating pain all day, every day.

While it may seem impossible to some who are less practiced in dealing with chronic, severe, debilitating pain on many levels, what worked best yesterday was to stay in gratitude and love. You can do this, too.

Even in the center of the migraine that took me down, yesterday, while I cried and cowered in my bed, undercovers, while someone banged on the walls as they’re installing new siding, while I was nauseous and dizzy to the point of losing sense of reality any time my eyes opened and still lay awash in the waves of destabilization even when they were closed, EVEN THEN I found the love and gratitude.

It’s a rough practice and I don’t wish it upon anyone. But it teaches me how powerful we truly are.

I kept my attention within, I kept my attention focused in my heart, I invited in the love of the Universe — for me this is my Guides and Allies, my own Divine Spark, my Ancestors, and my Highest Self as well as all of Heaven and Earth’s love for me, their child — and I just kept visualizing this immensity of loving light filling me from head to toe with massive power that could wash away the pain and suffering like throwing water at spilled ink in a porcelain tub.

Every time I saw the light flow through me and the darkness wash away I said, internally, in my true voice, “Thank you for healing me, I am healed.”

While your brain is trying to explode out of your skull, your body is on fire, your skin is literally pulsing, a vice grip owns your spine and neck, and you’re constantly feeling as though you’re tumbling through time and space and going to vomit everywhere, this is no easy task.

But, within minutes, I was asleep. When I awoke, I was in the migraine hangover instead of the migraine. The sider working on my house had left for the day, and I could move again.

This is years in the making for me, but my truest hope is that you can use these practices and skills to help yourself out of some painful horror, should it ever befall you. Perhaps you can even accomplish it more instantly than myself — anything is possible. Trust yourself.

Let’s see what the Spiritual Ancestors have to say.

“Actually, there is a pulsing that has struck the planet at the time of your pain and you experienced a washing through of higher level energy that displaced some old darkness that had existed, for you, for many lifetimes.

This was not to say that much of it was not created during this current life, as well. As you know, many lifetimes mirror one another and echo back to one another the telegraphing of the issue that required mending.

This energy dispersal also affected so many of you. You felt this in a frenzy, a deep depression, a heightening of your senses and psychic experience, a strong dreaming, an increased sense of love and wellness, and so many other ways. You experienced one or more of these as much stronger and more pronounced than the majority of your days. This is how you know that you are experiencing the upliftment that is cleansing the world…

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