Lockdowns, masks, crazed devotion to political parties and lying media — none of this can keep us down! When we let the media – even the alternative media! – dictate our views of the world, we get lost in a space of someone else’s making.

Nothing – NOTHING – can replace our own experience and intake of reality. We have to remember this.

To get out and travel across the country in my trusty van, Falcor, restored my faith. Yes, there were zombies everywhere. BUT, most happily, there were FREE humans everywhere.


We flew from forest fires and smoke filled skies to open air and less and less masks. Once worried I would be forced to urinate on a sidewalk in front of a business that refused me entry without a mask, I found that every single place I went let me in without a mask. All but two. Out of hundreds.

What a great experience for my soul to learn that humans are still humans and most people seem to at least let others do what they need, even if they themselves are toeing the line…

Also, we talked and shook hands with and smiled with strangers from all over the place. We walked through forests and fields and swam through lakes, stood in the spray of tall waterfalls and all along we were able to be ourselves and share with others.

The world is not lost. Truth is not dead. Humanity still thrives. Freedom is still ours.

Never give up. Never let others dictate your vision of what is real. Go out and be you, connect with others in every way you can, let the sleepers shuffle past, and know you’re part of a web of people who still live and breathe in goodness, truth, and beauty.


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