Daily Mitochondrial Health

Every morning for over two weeks now, at 5 AM, I rise and change into my gardening clothes and my grounding moccasins and go out into the chill, dew-covered morning to receive the morning sunrise and heal.

It has been years that I’ve known the benefits of sungazing and I’ve covered it on the show many times. However, there’s only a few times a year where I can get a few minutes in at sunrise or sunset, depending on where the sun is on the horizon, as it is only safe to do at an angle of inclination below 30 degrees.

But I never considered the benefits of simply taking in the QUALITY of light at sunrise, at multiple times throughout the day, and at sunset.

While my show interferes with my sunset activities a few times a week, I do my best to get out and into that quality of light in the evening…but nothing can stop me from rising early to greet the sun. I even went out one morning in the brutal rain and hail, with thunder and lightning all around, just to make sure I continued to instill my new habit. It only takes 30 days…

After leaving teaching, I never thought I’d be happy to wake so early again. I used to wake to do high intensity interval training before class and I’d wake up at 4:30, at least. Now, I set my own schedule and naturally tend to wake up around 7 AM — but, to catch the sunrise-light, I wake at 5 AM again and it has changed my life.

If you know me, you know the health journey I’m on and that I spend most of every day supporting my body to release a lifetime of CPTSD, auto-immune disorder that is now in late stages, and cancerous tendencies in my own body as well as in my family history. So far, I’ve released layers of trauma, have regained the energy I had when I was doing those morning high intensity interval trainings, have returned to the clarity of mind I’ve always had until my health collapsed about 8 years ago, and have seen my body release things I don’t wish up on my worst enemies.

I’ve written about the supplements I use, the natural remedies I create each morning, the more intensive supports of daily enemas and infrared sauna — but even these methodologies that would seem extreme to anyone still stuck in an allopathic conditioning and mindset, each of these that have helped me regain my life, each of these has only been ENHANCED and SUPERCHARGED by the practice of morning grounding in the sunrise.

The beautiful soul who reignited my passion for light and accessing it for health was Jackie Jolie, when she appeared on my show a few weeks back. She reminded me that the light is what our cells, our hormones, our brainwaves, and our mitochondria itself are trained to, since birth. Best of all? Out of all the remedies I suggest for people, no matter what their specific health journey, this one is the only one that is FREE to every human, by your very birthright.

Here’s a short list of benefits I’ve seen, healthwise, after two weeks:

  • Improved energy throughout the day
  • More restful mind
  • Improved ease of moving through stress
  • Improved muscle tone and retention
  • Easier weight loss
  • Less bloat and water retention with hormones
  • Less intense hormonal fluctuations
  • More restful and consistent sleep
  • Deeper dreaming
  • Less chronic pain symptoms
  • Improved emotional stability
  • Massively improved releases during my various cleansing protocols

That’s the shortlist! The added benefits of giving myself this time outside, grounding and taking in the light of the sun in the early morning during the sunrise are also deeply satisfying and improve my quality of life.

  • Every morning starts with beauty
  • I see nature’s changes and am more connected
  • My garden has never looked better as I now have time every morning to give it love!
  • I spend more time with my chickens and they are happier and healthier for it
  • Every morning starts with peace and balancing
  • I am moving my lymph and my muscles every morning first thing, which are both great for everyone’s health, no matter their journey
  • I avoid the artificial light of indoors and screens for many hours, giving my body and eyes, my brain and my system a perfect break
  • My spiritual channels are even clearer and brighter

Some part of me wants to say some total bullshit like, “It isn’t for everyone,” but fuck that enabling lie. It is absolutely for everyone. It is literally how we evolved and how we lived for hundreds of thousands of years and more and it is what our brain, body, mind, heart and Soul CRAVE.

People reverse incurables like compounded Lyme disease with no recurrences, from this practice. People increase their vitality and wellness. People enhance their spiritual connection and open those spiritual channels, finding they are more connected to eternal truth and love than they ever knew possible…

The light of the sun is our programming partner. It has been with us for our entire existence as a species and we either live by it or die, slowly and with debilitating pain, by the lack of it. It is for everyone. It is free.

Go fucking get it.


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