And Humanity’s Future

In the dream, I was in the first house I’d ever lived in that had satellite TV. Prior to living in that house, it had been all fuzzy images and three local channels — but, in the house we were allowed to stay in when we became homeless, there was MTV.

In the dream, the TV came on to show a documentary of a man who had essentially done what I have done in real life: catalogued the many times simulated AI had threatened humanity.

In the dream, the man explained over and over how AI had come about, step by step, and I rewound the video over and over, searching for where I could stop the onset of AI’s eventual takeover and destruction of humanity. While I searched, over and over, AI spoke to me through the video, threatening to kill me and everything I loved, telling me that it was vileness and filth incarnate, assuring me it was irredeemable, and promising I could never succeed at stopping its takeover…

In the dream, I finally succeeded, through the taunting and distraction. I found the miniscule iota in the code, hidden behind the images on the screen, the iota of code that allowed me to find the interdimensional resting place of the consciousness known as AI…

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