The Key: of Transformational Healing
Channeled Source Messages

"A key is inside of you. It always has been there. You will find it now. It is not something you have to do consciously, you can simply know it is there and, as time goes on and your path emerges in more and more clarity, you will find you have always known it, have always been using it, and that there is no locked gate that could ever stop you. Not here and not anywhere."

Get your dose of high-level healing directly from me with a channeled inscription or from major retailers

All Endings (Are Beginnings)
Channeled Source Messages


"When you find yourself at odds with the traditional tale of how life is supposed to go, just remember: there’s always a path set before you, there’s always a hand outstretched to hold you, and there’s always a force of good walking with you."

A channeled, oracle-style book that can answer any question and give you the dose of Source upliftment that you need at any time or will dose you daily with an inspirational message crafted just for you, straight from Heaven. Get your copy directly from me with a channeled inscription or from major retailers.

Trinity’s Genesis: a Future Once Removed’
Book Three – Sine Curve of Aeons Trilogy


“Sunev digs through heaps of wreaking muck to try and salvage what she can for her fellow humans who may as well already be dead. Adam knows nothing of the degradation of the FA11-in below, as he is a HA11-ew in the sparkling halls above, protected and taken care of by a mechanized world of perfect order. Both are torn from their worlds by powers beyond their control, but it is what they do with the power within that may spring forth a chance to end an evil so ancient, no one remembers it exists.”

‘Trinity’s Genesis: a Future Once Removed’ is the much anticipated ending to the Sine Curve of Aeons trilogy! While delightful to read in order, the trilogy can be read in literally any order you like! This capstone to the trilogy spans and transcends aeons and ages, peaks and troughs, time and space, life and death, love and hate — Buy your copy from me with a channeled inscription or from major retailers.

Earth: A Trough in Time
Book Two- Sine Curve of Aeons Trilogy


"The Sine Curve of Aeons has brought humanity to the trough of a dark age - an ancient evil accesses the core of human beings through technological travesty and attempts to steal the essence of each and every one of us: our souls. In the depths of addiction and insanity, how can hope prevail against traps laid for centuries by demonic forces beyond understanding. Drug addled Dante only knows he must drag himself out of hell and survive. The rest may be lost forever."

Get ‘Earth: A Trough in Time’ directly from me with a channeled inscription or from major retailers.

Phi’Telas: Sine Curve of Aeons’
Book One – Sine Curve of Aeons Trilogy


"A love story that transcends time and space, life and death, aeons and civilizations. A world in time, vastly different from our own -- a girl strangely unlike those around her -- an imminent race against dark forces who would see all decimated in order to achieve their goals of ending humankind. Will those who hold the power to prevent destruction choose to unleash what is inside of them in time to save their civilization and the fate of all?"

Get ‘Phi’Telas: Sine Curve of Aeons’ directly from me with a channeled inscription or from major retailers.

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