Trinity’s Genesis DIGITAL DOWNLOAD



‘Trinity’s Genesis: a Future Once Removed’ is the much anticipated ending to the Sine Curve of Aeons trilogy! While delightful to read in order, the trilogy can be read in literally any order you like. Get your signed copy today of this capstone to the trilogy that spans and transcends aeons and ages, peaks and troughs, time and space, life and death, love and hate.

“Sunev digs through heaps of wreaking muck to try and salvage what she can for her fellow humans who may as well already be dead. Adam knows nothing of the degradation of the FA11-in below, as he is a HA11-ew in the sparkling halls above, protected and taken care of by a mechanized world of perfect order. Both are torn from their worlds by powers beyond their control, but it is what they do with the power within that may spring forth a chance to end an evil so ancient, no one remembers it exists.”


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