I pray to the mystery of the immaterial,
genetic memory which knows beyond all.
I worship in the church of the high mountain lake,
Take my communion in the covenant of the bluffs of the fjords.
I share my sins and transgressions with the wind gnarled trunks of the ancients,
their slumbering stretched vein arcing limbs surround in a hugging drapery of leaves and traces.
I am filled with the spirit of the cosmic torque rotation of the double torus of creation-
Black holes at the centre of every atom inform my cosmology of life and death,
of destruction and creation,  of withering and rebirth.
I find my soul reflected in every breeze,
every taste of salt water on my tongue,
every dust particle floating through the air,
every particle of light received in every ocular rod and cone, transmitted to my grey mass network.

The zero point vacuum circumscribes an evil we fear,
but which holds no sway over us if we are saved,  enlightened,
and which can offer the key to everlasting life if we have the courage
to face that darkness which lies at the center of every molecule in existence.
And we do.

I give thanks for experience, for what I feel and perceive,
which is all there is, all that truly exists.
My faith lies in the extropic ascendency,
the concrescence of the universe,
The cosmic gestalt.

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