Guided by stars
We are–
Like, like we couldn’t resist their tug
Like, we got straight caught up in the endless embrace:
The hug of a
Smoldering trail of fiery effigies from the earliest moments of a universe
Born in chaos,
Making order,
Making us.
Still sit here wondering what we should do when
The world flows around us 80 billion times faster than we can catch it and
Burns past us quicker than a match struck and–
And that’s ok, it’s ok.
We can just be us.
We can just look up.
Look up and see a swathe of speckled white, yellow dripping on an indigo forest of space.
We can just remember that it all started for no apparent reason:
Big Bang blew out into every moment every second every order every season…
And there is no knowing why.
There is only knowing here, now,
Following stars, following paths in the Milky Way, following whatever traces left
After the initial burst. Following
Spits of ember down a path we left for ourselves
Eternity in minutiae ago,
Where we began. Where we will go. Where we return.
Guided by stars.


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