Especially when you think you can’t…

Maybe it seems low-level and obvious to everyone, but sometimes I have no idea what I’m supposed to do about massive life choices I have in front of me. Especially because I generally know exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it and am very confident about it, this can fuck me up big time. What about you?

Well, I decided to ask our Spiritual Ancestors and this is what one of them had to share with me:

“When you are unable to easily choose between two or more options, there is a reason. There is a blockage within you. Sometimes it is very much the answer to simply WAIT. Sometimes, you are not actually meant to move yet – and choosing would initiate a move.

When you do this, when you choose and begin to move when you are not yet ready at the Soul level, your Guides and Allies, your HIgher Soul itself, will step forward to create many impediments toward your progression. These are meant as warnings for you to slow down or stop completely. You are ignoring something. These impediments show you how to pay deeper attention to that about which you are in denial. 

Sometimes, you use this as an excuse, however. You create and focus on impediments that are neither real nor rational. Sometimes you are meant to make a choice and you are dragging your feet so that you do not have to face something that you fear. It is always the same. What is it you fear? Where do you drag your feet? If your inability to choose is actually an inability to face your fear, then it is not the same type of blockage.

How will you know? In the same way we always encourage you to know: by going within. 

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Make a Massive Choice Easier, especially when you think you can't... you can do it more easily than you think, once you get over yourself.


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