The Moon is not your Enemy…

Inspired by a recent episode of Middle Path and some questions that arose, I asked the Spiritual Ancestors what they had to say about the Moon…

“The Moon is not taking energy from your world. It is neither a ‘Soul Catcher’ nor a nefarious recycling mechanism placed by entities that would wish you harm, or to trap you in the place in which you exist. 

These fears and trappings are created and propelled through the mass mind by the same forces that would have you believe you are controllable. These are those who would have you believe they can create a giant prison of the world and restrict or allow every micro-movement of all the beings on Earth. This is laughable, even on its surface. They are gravely and deeply deluded and their delusions create nothing but further degradation and eventual karmic unfoldment, for them. Pity them.

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Original Artwork by Lindsey Scharmyn, ‘Luna’s Lullaby’


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