No Matter What it Is

The recent theme that I knew was coalescing into a channeled message from the Spiritual Ancestors has been: Claim it, honor it.

It kept coming as a whisper in my ear, especially as I’ve been really nailing this overcoming a phobia thing. Yes, you totally can overcome a phobia. A good friend taught me how using an NLP method that mimics EMDR for PTSD. It is so awesome.

My whole life I’ve been flailing wildly in abject, mindless terror anytime a bug flies toward my face, but most especially when a moth does. Anytime a moth is near, I cannot focus or function because I’m terrified it will come toward me and that I’ll fall on the ground screaming. I’m not exaggerating, unfortunately.

So, it is moth season and, guess what? I’ve still got this weird habitual reaction engraved in my brain, apparently, but the fear is seriously not there. The first moth of the season that jumped out at me I just yelled, not screamed, “Oh!” But I wish you could have heard it, because it was like the type of “Oh!” that you would yell at someone across the field who was telling you that they like polar bears. Just, “Oh!” Not shock, not horror, just energy and acknowledgment.

Then, the next moth flew at me a few hours or a day later and I yelled, “Friend!” at it. Haha! It was like the energy was already emerging but there was no fear there to turn it into a horror-filled scream and I even consciously acknowledged that we are friends now BEFORE the sound that had already built within had time to form into a word, so I yelled, “Friend!” It was so spontaneous and hilarious.

Since then, I spread mulch in moth-filled beds for an hour this morning, with moths flitting all around me, and I didn’t even get scared once. I’m just so fucking amazed. This is all new for me.

So anyway, part of this process, each time I would still have the energetic response and get somewhat disappointed in myself, I heard the whisper: claim it, honor it.

Something in me really understood that I had to claim the part of me that had always reacted so strongly to the moths. I had to love the part of me that wanted to protect me from whatever perceived danger they represented. I had to hold on to the part of me that had the pattern of strong reaction, even, as this too is an important reaction for people to be able to have in the face of danger. I had to honor all those beautiful parts of myself that had created this phobia and pattern, claiming all of me and, in the process, I weirdly claimed the moth and its whole psychotic flitting about and shivering craziness, too.

I even recognized the parts of me that were exactly moth-like, but that may be a story for another day. Let’s see what this whole “Claim it, honor it” message is really about.


“What is it? It does not make a difference. You must claim it, you must honor it. This is the path to freedom, to grace, to ultimate redemption, to the return of yourself to yourself, to the healing of the shadow, collectively and individually….”

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