Time Travel is Established Fact -- Now, Act Like It -- what, in all the universe, exists that could ever hold only horror, that could only make things impossible, or that could ever demand you decide that you live in defeat and powerlessness?
The Ultimate Responsibility -- "The most difficult aspect may be the fact that you truly choose everything you experience. This seems to be repugnant, to you. Especially in deep pain, in resentment, in furious anger, in ultimate discomfort, you resist this fact."
Rest and Release -- “When it is too much, put it down. There is nothing that must be done, there is no rush that leads to positivity and flow, there is no reason to remain in overwhelm. Put it down. Walk away. Rest and release."
Daily Mitochondrial Health -- The light of the sun is our programming partner. It has been with us for our entire existence as a species and we either live by it or die, slowly and with debilitating pain, by the lack of it. It is for everyone. It is free.
You are a lightworker. You were born with these abilities and gifts. Use your mind to direct them in your personal timeline wherever they may be needed.
No Matter What it Is -- You must claim it, you must honor it. This is the path to freedom, to grace, to ultimate redemption, to the return of yourself to yourself, to the healing of the shadow, collectively and individually.
We climb higher, with them or despite them -- We rise to our peak when we incorporate and integrate all the lessons of our specific karma and trauma, especially those connected with our mothers.
Overcomes the Merging of Man and Machine -- During the heights of illness, they’ve been presented with accomplishing some kind of task that is impossible.
High Information, High Vibration, High Quality Health -- Use the universe's most essential aspect to create more thriving in your life for FREE
Especially in the Face of Difficulty -- Every time I saw the light flow through me and the darkness wash away I said, internally, in my true voice, “Thank you for healing me, I am healed.”