A tiny trick of language and a smattering of thought-
Can you see a little difference
From what I said and what you got?               

A narrow break in programming will open up your eyes
To the truth that our betrayal
Holds the beginning of demise.

Emotional conditioning, automatic response:
Resist self examination,
Satisfy your corporate ponce.

Failure to see a human within an alternate view
Exposes a substrate of fear,
When presented with something new.

Remember when you didn’t think the things that you think now?
Perhaps you can also recall
How to question what you avow?

A divided populace who tear each other apart 
Serves no one but our overlords:
We find we pull the rich man’s cart.

The lost art of listening despite disagreement in thought
Can help us see a little difference
Between what we’ve been sold and what we bought.

Mammon – Greed by Kirsi Salonen

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