Manifestation and Intentions Don’t Always Become Our Lived Reality

I get asked this question by the beautiful, strong, powerful people I am honored to work with one on one, each day. I get asked it so often, I wanted to make sure I ask my own Guides and Allies, the Spiritual Ancestors, what their answer is — always it is best to come from a more pure and high level of information than our own, often muddled, biased, and sometimes shallow points of view. Let’s see what they have to say.

“It is true that you are manifesting reality all the time, in each moment. So to ask, ‘why isn’t manifestation working?’, is to ignore this truth about yourself. Not everyone is prepared to truly understand karma or to take responsibility for their actions on each level of being, quite yet, but we are ready to share all that could be required to truly understand…

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