Daily Mitochondrial Health -- The light of the sun is our programming partner. It has been with us for our entire existence as a species and we either live by it or die, slowly and with debilitating pain, by the lack of it. It is for everyone. It is free.
You are a lightworker. You were born with these abilities and gifts. Use your mind to direct them in your personal timeline wherever they may be needed.
No Matter What it Is -- You must claim it, you must honor it. This is the path to freedom, to grace, to ultimate redemption, to the return of yourself to yourself, to the healing of the shadow, collectively and individually.
Overcomes the Merging of Man and Machine -- During the heights of illness, they’ve been presented with accomplishing some kind of task that is impossible.
Especially in the Face of Difficulty -- Every time I saw the light flow through me and the darkness wash away I said, internally, in my true voice, “Thank you for healing me, I am healed.”
Manifestation and Intentions Don't Always Become Our Lived Reality -- It is true that you are manifesting reality all the time, in each moment. So to ask, ‘why isn’t manifestation working?’, is to ignore this truth about yourself.
Inasmuch as You are You Now -- "Perhaps then, you can release your hold on the one, linear truth and open to understand the multi-dimensionality, which is and has always been a matter of perspective"
The Spiritual Ancestors came to pulse plasma light of rainbow refractivity as they shared a healing and heart opening message
In truth, there is only now. The past is a dream: loose, changeable, and only serving the purpose of presenting your logical mind with the reasons why you are where you are, now. The future is a dream: loose, changeable, and only serving the purpose of presenting your logical mind with the reasonable expectation of where you are going..."
To love oneself fully, one must give to self, first. When you encountered the spiritual messages of self abdication and selflessness, these misinterpretations misled you into believing you must prepare, take, and give less to and for yourself than to and for others. This is not now and will never be the case.