They’re already on our doorstep… are you ready?

This morning, I thought the Spiritual Ancestors were calling me to channel a message about our ancient tech and structures that remain sprinkled across the planet, trying to remind us of our hidden heritage. When I sat down to open the channel, they instead took this moment to remind us — all of us — about our responsibility to be ready for what’s coming our way. Are you ready?

Let’s find out.

“It is high time we discussed the preparation one may choose when confronting the times that come. It is truly necessary to believe in the Source connection within, for each and every person, to truly KNOW who you are and what you are, and perhaps to remember where you came from. This is no small task and many believe they have already achieved this knowingness – and perhaps it is best for many to look more deeply at their inner trust and remembrance of that space within, the space that is intricately intertwined – your materialist scientists would call it entangled with – the Source of all things….”

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